Describe in general who is necessary for you: fill in the application form on-line or formulate it in a free form by phone or e-mail .
We will consider the application and we will contact you.
Our manager will come to you for compiling an ideal portrait of the required employee.
After that a contract is signed and this very day we start working.
Even if an employee is discharged before the termination of a warranty period (3 months - for ordinary employees and 6 months - for middle/top-managers), it doesn't matter. We will replace him quickly and free-of-charge.
We provide description (testimonial) of each offered candidate: the description of his biographic, professional and personal features. It is not a copied resume at all. It is a result of observation, interview, testing, analysis of recommendations from previous places of work, etc.
And still. Perhaps, the most important thing. We work OPERATIVELY: in most cases we need no more than one-two weeks to present to you the first candidates. At the same time, we work THOUGHTFULLY. We are not supporters of "carpet bombardments" - when a stream of random resumes falls down on an employer. Using military terminology, our purpose is "target shooting".
The biggest pleasure for us is to select for you such a person that will make you exclaim (even in thoughts): "Here it is! That is the one. You hit the point!"
We charge 15 % of an employee’s yearly cumulative revenue as commission on a successful placement.